Annual Planning Meeting May 2013
Date: May 6 to May 8, 2013 in Kampala, Uganda Venue: Nob View Hotel, Kampala/Ntinda: [[1]]
- Iddo Dror, Head of Capacity Development, ILRI-Nairobi
- Francis Ejobi, Makerere University (MUK), country coordinator Uganda
- Aklilu Feleke, Addis Ababa University (AAU), country coordinator Ethiopia
- Alexandra Fetsch, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Germany (BfR) - country support Tanzania
- Reinhard Fries, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (FUB) - country support Ethiopia
- Delia Grace, ILRI-Nairobi, Principal investigator
- Saskia Hendrickx, ILRI-Mozambique, regional coordinator Southern Africa
- George Msalya, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), proxy country coordinator Tanzania
- Kristina Roesel, ILRI/FUB-Uganda, project coordinator and country support Uganda
- Francesca Stomeo, ILRI-BecA, Nairobi
- Sylvain Gnamien Traoré, Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Cote d’Ivoire (CSRS), proxy country coordinator Senegal and regional coordinator West Africa
- Joseph Kungu (DAAD PhD candidate, Uganda)
- Washington Ochola (RUFORUM)
- Natalie Carter (PhD candidate, Uganda)
Monday, May 6th 2013 – Progress 2012/2013: Risk assessment
Facilitator: Dr Francis Ejobi, Makerere University & country coordinator Uganda 8:45 AM registration 9:00 AM opening 9:10 AM objectives and expected outputs of the workshop (Delia/ Kristina) 9:20 AM recap of major project components as per project proposal (Kristina):
- risk and economic assessment in five value chains
- risk-based package of food safety and market access interventions for each value chain
- enabling environment: pro-poor policy influence and evaluation of effectiveness of policy research
- enhancing pro-poor and risk-based approaches to food safety through curricula development at different levels
9:40 AM presentation on progress CGIAR research program on Agriculture for Nutrition & Health (Delia) 10:00 AM Coffee/tea break 10:15 AM presentations on first year’s activities and outputs by country: achievements/constraints/results of assessment, new research questions and proposed interventions
- Progress report Tanzania (George/ Alexandra)
- Progress report Uganda (Francis/ Kristina)
- Progress report Ethiopia (Aklilu/ Reinhard)
- Progress report Mali/Senegal (Sylvain)
> 1:00 PM Lunch break 2:00 PM presentations on first year’s activities and outputs cont’d
- Capacity building and genomics-related services at ILRI-BecA (Francesca)
- Progress report on fish value chain work (Kristina)
3:00 PM Coffee/ tea break 3:15 PM brief progress reports on regional activities in Southern Africa (Saskia), West Africa (Sylvain) and East Africa (Delia on behalf of Erastus) 4:00 PM revisit log frame as a group and discuss successful completion of activities for the overall project 4:30 PM end of Day 1
Tuesday, May 7th 2013 – Planning 2013/2013: Action research (interventions)
Facilitator: Dr Delia Grace, ILRI, Team Leader Food Safety and Zoonoses 9:00 AM prioritization of zoonotic diseases (Delia) 10:00 AM coffee/tea break 10:15 AM group work to discuss criteria for selection of interventions 11:00 AM break out sessions into country teams to discuss next steps 1:00 PM Lunch break 2:00 PM break out sessions continued 3:00 PM reporting back (panel) 4:30 PM end of Day 2
Wednesday, May 8th 2013 – enabling environments/ curricula development
Faciliator: Dr Iddo Dror, ILRI, Head of Capacity Development 9:00 AM introduction Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) by Washington Ochola 9:45 AM introduction on undergraduate training in VPH at Freie Universitaet Berlin by Professor Reinhard Fries 10:30 AM Coffee/tea break and discussion 12:30 PM closing and lunch break