Annual Planning Meeting May 2013

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Date: May 6 to May 8, 2013 in Kampala, Uganda Venue: Nob View Hotel, Kampala/Ntinda: [[1]]


  1. Iddo Dror, Head of Capacity Development, ILRI-Nairobi
  2. Francis Ejobi, Makerere University (MUK), country coordinator Uganda
  3. Aklilu Feleke, Addis Ababa University (AAU), country coordinator Ethiopia
  4. Alexandra Fetsch, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Germany (BfR) - country support Tanzania
  5. Reinhard Fries, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (FUB) - country support Ethiopia
  6. Delia Grace, ILRI-Nairobi, Principal investigator
  7. Saskia Hendrickx, ILRI-Mozambique, regional coordinator Southern Africa
  8. George Msalya, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), proxy country coordinator Tanzania
  9. Kristina Roesel, ILRI/FUB-Uganda, project coordinator and country support Uganda
  10. Francesca Stomeo, ILRI-BecA, Nairobi
  11. Sylvain Gnamien Traoré, Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Cote d’Ivoire (CSRS), proxy country coordinator Senegal and regional coordinator West Africa


  1. Joseph Kungu (DAAD PhD candidate, Uganda)
  2. Washington Ochola (RUFORUM)
  3. Natalie Carter (PhD candidate, Uganda)

Monday, May 6th 2013 – Progress 2012/2013: Risk assessment

Facilitator: Dr Francis Ejobi, Makerere University & country coordinator Uganda 8:45 AM registration 9:00 AM opening 9:10 AM objectives and expected outputs of the workshop (Delia/ Kristina) 9:20 AM recap of major project components as per project proposal (Kristina):

  • risk and economic assessment in five value chains
  • risk-based package of food safety and market access interventions for each value chain
  • enabling environment: pro-poor policy influence and evaluation of effectiveness of policy research
  • enhancing pro-poor and risk-based approaches to food safety through curricula development at different levels

9:40 AM presentation on progress CGIAR research program on Agriculture for Nutrition & Health (Delia) 10:00 AM Coffee/tea break 10:15 AM presentations on first year’s activities and outputs by country: achievements/constraints/results of assessment, new research questions and proposed interventions

> 1:00 PM Lunch break 2:00 PM presentations on first year’s activities and outputs cont’d

3:00 PM Coffee/ tea break 3:15 PM brief progress reports on regional activities in Southern Africa (Saskia), West Africa (Sylvain) and East Africa (Delia on behalf of Erastus) 4:00 PM revisit log frame as a group and discuss successful completion of activities for the overall project 4:30 PM end of Day 1

Tuesday, May 7th 2013 – Planning 2013/2013: Action research (interventions)

Facilitator: Dr Delia Grace, ILRI, Team Leader Food Safety and Zoonoses 9:00 AM prioritization of zoonotic diseases (Delia) 10:00 AM coffee/tea break 10:15 AM group work to discuss criteria for selection of interventions 11:00 AM break out sessions into country teams to discuss next steps 1:00 PM Lunch break 2:00 PM break out sessions continued 3:00 PM reporting back (panel) 4:30 PM end of Day 2

Wednesday, May 8th 2013 – enabling environments/ curricula development

Faciliator: Dr Iddo Dror, ILRI, Head of Capacity Development 9:00 AM introduction Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) by Washington Ochola 9:45 AM introduction on undergraduate training in VPH at Freie Universitaet Berlin by Professor Reinhard Fries 10:30 AM Coffee/tea break and discussion 12:30 PM closing and lunch break