Pigs in Uganda
Pigs in Uganda
Food safety is one component of the pig value chain development in Uganda and integrated into the overall activities of CRP3.7 (Livestock and Fish) led by ILRI.
SFFF country coordinator: Dr Francis Ejobi, Makerere University country support by Freie Universität Berlin (Prof. Peter-Henning Clausen, Kristina Rösel)
Activities 2012-2013 (year 1) 1. Site selection (no SFFF participation)
- Targeting Uganda
- site selection (October 11, 2012)
2. Partners and actors landscape scoping for stakeholder engagement
- stakeholder analysis by Dr Francis Ejobi (October 11, 2012)
3. Develop methods and tools for value chain assessment
- guidelines rapid integrated assessment for food safety and nutrition (as of Nov 17, 2012)
4. Rapid value chain assessment (November 2012 - February 2013)
- descriptive survey of urban slaughter house by Kristina Roesel (August 2012)
- training of facilitators (food safety by Kristina Roesel)
- rapid integrated assessment of food safety and nutrition as part of the value chain assessment
- preliminary results of qualitative assessment, May 2013 (Kristina Roesel)
5. Situational analysis (ongoing)
- [http:www.slideshare.net/ILR| situational analysis] of smallholder pig value chains in Uganda by Alex Tatwangire ([http:livestockfish.cgiar.org/category/species/pigs/| SPVCD project] Uganda)
- situational analysis of food safety (ongoing, Dr Francis Ejobi)
6. Review of (grey) literature, successes/failures, best-bet interventions
- draft report by Prof. Michael Ocaido (as of 30 April 2013)
7. Identification of postgraduate students for intervention study
Activities 2013-2014 (year 2)
8. Piloting of best-bet interventions
9. Continuous stakeholder engagement, dissemination of Findings
10. Upgraded curricula