Sheep and goats in Ethiopia

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Sheep and goats in Ethiopia

Food safety is one component of the small ruminant value chain in Ethiopia and integrated into the overall activities of CRP3.7 (Livestock and Fish) led by ILRI.

SFFF country coordinator: Aklilu Feleke, Addis Ababa University country support by Freie Universität Berlin (Prof Reinhard Fries, Dr Max Baumann)

Activities 2012 1. Site selection (no SFFF participation)

2. Partners and actors landscape scoping for stakeholder engagement

3. Develop methods and tools for value chain assessment

4. Rapid value chain assessment:

  • training of enumerators by Tamsin Dewé (November 2012)
  • rapid integrated assessment of food safety and nutrition - qualitative (December 2, 2012 - January 18, 2013)

summary of findings on the sheep value chains in the Ethiopian Highlands (Horro, Menz, Doyogana) - presented March 14/15, 2013 in Addis Ababa summary of findings on the goat value chains in Atsbi, Abergelle-Tigra, Abergelle-Sekoto - presented on March 19/20, 2013 in Mekelle summary of findings on the goat and sheep meat value chains (Shinelle and Borana) - presented on April 1/2, 2013 in Debre-Zeit

5. Situational analysis

8. Review of (grey) literature, successes/failures, best-bet interventions

  • ongoing

Activities year 2 and 3 (2013-2015) 9. Piloting of best-bet interventions

10. Continuous stakeholder engagement, dissemination of Findings

11. Upgraded curricula